What is the LWML?

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Utah Zone Spring Event

Utah Zone LWML Spring Event

Saturday, March 5th 2011
Grace Lutheran Church, Sandy

Registration beginning at 9:00 am
Registration Fee $10
Muffins, Fresh Fruit, Juice and Coffee
Child Care Will Be Provided

"Speaking Boldly"
Acts 4:13 b, 20

*News from around our district and from National

*Brief Business Session

*Bible Study



*Installation of Officers

*Community Service Project

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