What is the LWML?

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Check this out...

Hey ladies!

Our idea is catching on! Check out this link for a new blog that LWML President Janice Wendorf just launched! We love it President Jan!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pictures From the Zone Retreat in Timberlakes

At the beginning of the month we traveled to a beautiful place East of Heber City call Timberlakes. Our sister in Christ, Kris (St. Marks) offers her home to us every year for our Zone Retreat. We shared a bible study, fellowship, lunch, some brainstorming, recipes, prayers and a craft. Here are some pictures from the day. Thank you everyone for coming!

A buck that wanted to check us out, maybe he smelled the coffee.
He wouldn't hold still for a good picture!

The lovely lady in the yellow shirt was our "creative consultant"
thanks Jean for the craft project!

Listening closely to directions...

After some serious concentration and a few do-overs...this is the finished product! Jean picked out a beautiful cross stamp just for us! Then Kris found some verses and prayers from Portals of Prayer and we chose our favorite for the front cover. Aren't these notebooks so cute??? And..the pens match! Some of us made 2 and gave one away to a friend, others said they were going to use theirs as a prayer journal. Cute, cute.

Thank you Kris for sharing your home with us!
We sure enjoy our time together every year!

Fall Rally at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Logan, Utah

We are headed up north this year on Saturday September 19th 2009. We are going to have bible study, business. lunch and a Dessert In The Dark. There will be devotions and activities geared towards learning more about and even experiencing a "taste" of what it would be like to be blind. All proceeds from the Dessert In The Dark will go to Lutheran Blind Mission below is a link to their website and an article from their organization. Please share this information with your congregations and friends at church. Ask them if they would like to donate to our Dessert In The Dark. Invite all women to join us and if they are not able to make it, maybe they would be willing to send a donation with someone else. I found this article on their website that could be read during announcements at church or put on a flyer to hand out to the congregation. Please take advantage of it and we will see you in Logan on September 19th!

Missionary Moment Narration

Mission work is an important activity of our church. In fact, it was Jesus’ last mandate: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

And so the first disciples went to many nations. Paul and Barnabas, Philip and Peter, and so many more, were sent by the Spirit to share the good news of salvation. And so, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has sent missionaries all over the world.

One often overlooked group of people right here in the United States are those who have lost their physical sight. Often, when people lose their sight, they become isolated and separated from society. Sitting alone, with little or no physical sight, they become angry at God.

In the United States there are 12 million blind and visually impaired people and 95% are unchurched. They are of all ages.

Lutheran Blind Mission is LCMS World Mission’s mission arm to reach blind and visually impaired people. It has reached out and served this group of people for over 80 years.

The Lutheran Library for the Blind is North America’s largest lending library of Braille, large type, and audiocassette Christian materials. Thousands of people are strengthened through the magazines and devotionals such as Portals of Prayer.

Through Lutheran Blind Mission’s outreach centers hundreds of blind and visually impaired people are helped and the Gospel is shared.

One of these people is Ruth. She was a Braille reader and an active user of The Lutheran Library for the Blind. She enjoyed receiving books that were inspirational, spoke of God, and not full of sex and violence. During the past few years, however, arthritis took its toll. Just as age can take the sight of some people, the arthritis took the use of Ruth’s hands. It became too painful for her to read Braille any more.

Ruth didn’t lose her joy nor did she give up reading. She turned to the recorded books the Library has on audiocassette tapes. She continues to keep an active mind, a healthy heart, and an active faith in Jesus. She is thankful to Lutheran Blind Mission for its materials that she can read.

Because most of the people served by Lutheran Blind Mission are living below the poverty level, all of our materials and services are provided at no cost.

There are many ways we in this congregation can help. Please consider a gift in today’s door offering. Keep this work in your prayers. Consider volunteering your time. You can look at the bulletin insert for ideas and contact information. In this way we play an important role in mission work right here in the United States.

Lutheran Blind Mission
Helping Blind People See Jesus