What is the LWML?

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Zone Retreat at Timberlakes

Join us in two weeks for our annual Zone Retreat in Timberlakes. Kris (St. Marks. Provo) is kind enough to let us invade her quite cabin every year for a few hours of fellowship, food, bible study and devotion. And... a little bird tells me that she has a fun craft project up her sleeve so bring $4 to participate. (Anyone remember the cute post-it holders she made for us last year? I have a feeling it will be fun!) Email me for directions, food assignments or for more information ashleywby2@aol.com
I hope to see you all there!

As we speak there aproximatly 10 women for our district in Alaska teaching VBS! They are sleeping on cots, cooking meals and showering there at the church which is 45 miles outside or Anchorage, Alaska. In fact, our very own Cindy (Grace, Sandy) made the long journey to share the love of Jesus with children. Please keep them in your prayers this week.

Also, Camp Perkins was last weekend. I know there were a few ladies from our zone who went, did you have a good time? Please email me with pictures and let me know how it went! I wasn't able to make it this year and we'd love to hear all about it!

Our Banner

Here are the pictures of our banner (sorry it took me so long..) It was Utah Zone's turn to make the District banner for convention this year. May I just say; ladies of the Utah Zone....WOW! You're amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you to the many hands that put this beautiful banner together. Everyone loved it, I heard lots of wonderful comments!

Portland 2009

Well we survived! The National Convention in Portland, Oregon 2009 is over. I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did. On behalf of the Utah Zone I would like to throw out a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you that worked at the convention. It warmed my heart to see all your familiar faces behind those green worker aprons. I would like to share a few highlights with you...

The convention delegates voted on a new mission goal for the 2009-2011 biennium and it is....

Wow! And don't forget, that is only 25% of our mites. 75% stays in our Utah/Idaho District. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for our mites. 70% of the 1.825 million goes to projects and grants and the other 30% goes to operating expenses. Praise God!

The final credentials report showed 3,310 women (and men) registered for convention. That includes the convention body and all the delegates. Just to put things into prospective at the worship service on Friday night; $37,000 was collected towards our new mite goal. Check out the National website for more information on the grants we adopted. http://www.lwml.org/conventions/index.htm

But convention is not all about numbers that is for sure! We laughed with Jan Struck "humerus interruptor" as she learned all about what it's like to be a Lutheran Woman at convention. We cried with Heidi Floyd as she shared her AMAZING story of cancer survival and the miracle of her unborn baby that survived chemotherapy. We were moved by bible study from Dr. Mary Hilgendorf as we dove a little deeper into the stories of Ruth and Deborah. It was truly an amazing weekend. From our zone- Marie, Kathy, Jenny and Lily (Holy Trinity, Logan) came to Portland Oregon together. Great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and daughter, these sweet ladies below make up four generations of LWMLers! What a blessing!

I will leave you with one last bit of news. Utah Zone and Utah/Idaho District get ready because in 2017 the whole nation is coming to....


That's right ladies! They're coming here! When it was announced at convention we all stood up and cheered...loudly. We've got our work cut out for us so please start praying, but with God's help we can show 'em all a great time. 2017 in Salt Lake City- whoo hoo!