What is the LWML?

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thought for the day

Joan (St. Johns, SLC) gave me this, she found it in a magazine- thanks Joan.
Answered Prayer
If you rise from prayer forgiven and clean inside, prayer has been answered.
If you rise more conscious of God's greatness, goodness, mercy, love and nearness prayer has been answered.
If you rise with greater love and compassion for other people, answered prayer is transforming your selfish nature.
If you rise with an abiding sense of peace in spite of the great problems that beset your life, God has answered by preparing you to confront these difficulties.
If you rise with clearer vision, greater purpose, a more positive outlook, renewed strength, and fresh inspiration, rest assured that your prayer has been answered.
The Epistle

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Timberlakes Retreat

"As a deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God."
Psalms 42:1
As I was traveling to Timberlakes for our Zone Retreat early last Saturday morning this was just one beautiful example of God's creation that He shared with me. It has been an annual event for the past five years or so to meet at Kris' (St. Marks) cabin in Timberlakes which is just east of Heber. She welcomes us into her beautiful home and we have a wonderful time talking, laughing and being together in God's word. We started off the morning with muffins and coffee along with a bible study. After talking about some upcoming events, we had a wonderful luncheon complete with hamburgers, hot dogs and all the fixins.

Kris surprised us all with the cutest post-it note holders with matching pens she and a friend made. They were complete with quotes from all our favorite hymns, the hard part was deciding which one to pick! The rest of the day we were all walking around humming and singing, it was wonderful. We spent the last hour on a "Walk with Jesus", we went out for a walk on the trails and found things to remind us of our Savior. For example; something prickly for Jesus' crown of thorns, something dead for the savior truly died, a rock to remind us of the huge stone that was rolled in front of His tomb, and something alive because Christ lives! The best part was when Elaine Holt tried to capture a bumble bee for her living thing...we were all laughing, it was quite the sight! Thank you to everyone who made the trip, your company was wonderful!
Special thank you to Kris for
sharing your home with us,
it truly is a beautiful place.