What is the LWML?

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Utah/Idaho District Convention 2010

The District Convention in Pocatello, Idaho was a weekend to remember! We had a blast listening to mission speakers, visiting a simulated mission island called LaWeMeLu, sampling foods from around the world, studying God's word and catching up with our fellow brothers and sister's in Christ. We laughed, we cried and we laughed some more. Thank you to everyone who helped with this convention and a special thank you to our outgoing District President Melody Rosenwinkel. Here are some photos from the event...

Past Utah/Idaho District President Melody Rosenwinkel and LWML President Jan Wendorf

Sherrie, Ashley and Angelica

President Melody addressing the Convention body

Dinner on Saturday night was so good!! A buffet of foods from around the world, and let me just tell you...we made the rounds!!

Cindy (Grace, Sandy) Sharron (Light of the Valley, Riverton) and Ashley (St. Marks, Provo)

The was the cross that was used to decorate the stage, it was beautiful. Great job Naomi we loved it!

Our sweet LWML President Jan was such a good sport! She doubled on Saturday night as the LaWeMeLu Tribal Queen. She only spoke in LaWeMeLe-eese, so visitors to the "island" had to learn the language in order to share the love of Jesus with her. Thank you President Jan for spending the weekend with us, it was a pleasure!

Dawna-Ray selling us our mats. Not very honestly may I add....

Ahhh, Mary the Custom's Agent. Don't be fooled by that sweet, innocent smile...she had the ability to look at our passports and deny entry to the island. And did she ever!!

Pastor Borcher from Light of the Valley in Riverton asking a poor woman on the street if she knew who Jesus was....

Linda finally got paid for all her "hard work"

The mission team from the Alaska VBS mission trip taken last summer as they shared their adventure with us

Beth (St. Paul's Ogden) and her possy were our comic relief. She is seen here rapping. I'm pretty sure my sides still hurt.

It was a special weekend for the Utah Zone. We saw two grants very near and dear to many of our hearts selected to be funded for the next biennium. Light of the Valley in Riverton's Open Arms daycare program and St. John's Sudanese Ministry. Please keep them and all our grant recipients in your prayers and PRAISE GOD!

Our newly elected Utah/Idaho District President Betty Reimann! Congratulations Betty! Please keep her and all our incoming and outgoing District Board members in your prayers. Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend! See you all again at Camp Perkins!!

Meet Your New Zone Board

At the Spring Event in Tooele in April the new Utah Zone Board was elected and installed into office. Thank you to the outgoing Zone Board for all your dedication and hard work. Especially Pastor Bror Erickson who faithfully served the LWML and Utah Zone for the past 4 years.

From Left to Right:
Andrea (St. Paul's, Ogden)
Carol (St. John's, SLC)
Pastor Kristian Erickson (Christ Lutheran Church, Murray)
Ashley (St. Marks, Provo)

Thank you for your willingness to serve. Please keep these board members in your prayers along with the Utah/Idaho zone and all our grant recipients!