Here is an update from convention sent by our Zone Pres, Cheryl (Holy Trinity, Logan):
Eighteen people from the Utah-Idaho District attended the
national LWML convention in Pittsburgh on June 27-30, 2013.
We heard from several missionaries about how the grants we
have supported in years past have helped change lives and spread the gospel
around the world and here in the United States. All the missionaries said that
if it wasn’t for our mites, they could not do what they do. More than one said,
“you are the reason” they are able to provide medical care, food, clean water
and the gospel to people so desperate for help. I would like each and every
person who gives mites or prays for these mission grants to know the feeling these
people conveyed as they repeatedly said “thank you for letting us be there,
thank you for letting us have the privilege of doing what we are doing.” I
personally would like to ask you all to give your mites and, most importantly,
your prayers for these grants and missionaries. The sessions are on the website. Please watch some of the talks at your society meetings or
Bible studies or personally. See where those quarters and dollars go. Please be
as generous as God leads you. I promise you your donations are in good hands.
We voted in 18 new grants for 2013-2015 biennium. We were
able to pay all the grants from 2011-2013 and had money left over because one
grant was no longer eligible. Our first offering was for grants and totaled $49,492.50!
The grants for next biennium are
in order of funding: 1) training K9 comfort
dogs for LCMS chaplains 2)children’s
books for SE Asia 3) training
indigenous pastors and deaconesses 4)
rebuilding Nord Est Haiti Lutheran School
5) Jesus our Savior Lutheran School—Winnebago Tribe 6) ICAN—serving at-risk children 7)
Bible story books in sign language and written text 8)
Native American Outreach Training Center—Fairbanks, Alaska 9)
Strengthening and expanding campus ministry 10)Worship for shut-ins 11)
Preparing leaders for a diverse world—Concordia College, Selma, AL 12)Voice of Care Ministry to the
developmentally challenged
13)Christ-centered tutoring thru Rebecca’s Garden of Hope 14)Student scholarships for MOST Ministries
mission trips 15)Building homes and hope
in Haiti 16)Support for Lutheran Public
Radio 17)Christian educational support
for children--India 18)Mission outreach
at St Paul Community Lutheran Church, Pontiac, Michigan
We also elected some new national
executive committee members, VP of Christian Life, Communication, Gospel
Outreach, a new recording secretary and pastoral counselor.
Please keep all the officers and
grants in your prayers. Keep those mites coming!
Salt Lake City is the site in
2017! We’ll be looking for lots of help! We’re working with Rocky Mountain
district and Wyoming district but we will be massively important. Please keep
this all in your prayers also! Pray without ceasing!
Cheryl Brunson, UT zone president