I received this nice note from Pastor Alan Borcher and his sweet wife Gayle. He is the Pastor at Light of the Valley Lutheran Church. He is thanking us for a gift card we gave him to Christian Gift and Bible to use for his church and mission work. Light of the Valley Lutheran Church is a new mission plant on the southwest side of the salt lake valley. They just had their first worship service on December 14th! Praise God! Here is a link to some pictures from their first service: http://lightofthevalley.com/firstservice.html
Utah/Idaho District LWML had the privilege of issuing a grant to Light of the Valley Lutheran Church for $5,000 in 2008; that money went to the start up process. How wonderful it is to see our pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters in our mite boxes grow into $5,000, then God using our grant money along with many others and blessing Light of the Valley Lutheran Church in so many ways!
Please also note there is a link to their website on this blog below on the lower right hand side under "our churches". If you are looking for a mission project, there is information on Light of the Valley's website for things they need. Please continue to keep this new church, the congregation, Pastor Borcher and Gayle in your prayers. So exciting, to God be the glory!