"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you,
saying, "This is the way; walk in it. "
Isaiah 30:21
October 18th at Grace Lutheran Church in Sandy
from 10-3pm will be our Teen LWML Event
Teen Activities Include:
* Special Teen Bible Study given by Mr. OZ, DCE there at Grace
* Shelly Davis from Salt Lake Lutheran High will be there doing a breakout workshop especially for you!
* A Servant Event- helping others because we have been so blessed!
*Mini Pedicures
* Special gifts and door prizes
*Come and hear what the LWML is all about!
Women's Activities Include:
*Bible study given by Pastor Erickson
* Fall Business
* Servant Event
* Mini Pedicures
* Luncheon
* Let's show our little sisters in Christ what LWML is all about!
Let's all come together as women in Christ on October 18th for an event centered around God's Word and serving Him with gladness! We are so excited to invite teen girls to our event this year. Ladies, start thinking about some teen girls in your congregation, neighborhoods or families to bring with you! Child care will be provided for the entire day so those of us with little munchkins can attend. We need each society's help to put on a great event, so please ask your Society Presidents how you can get involved!
Please email me (Ashley Willoughby- ashleywby2@aol.com) or the Society President at Grace (Cindy Sinclair- csinclair@gracesandy.org) with any questions or to RSVP.
See you there!